
Monday, September 1, 2014

Hands: Here

Some of you may already know that I've fallen in love with the double exposure technique. I love it so much because it allows me to give more meaning into a photograph which I am creating. Double exposure photos help me speak my mind with more expression while also more concisely. Verbal expression has always been difficult for me, but in contrast I've always loved the forms of expression such as dance and photography so much. It allows me to truly express myself without using any words. 

So, this image was inspired by this photo that I saw on Pinterest. When I saw it, the simplicity and beauty of it immediately captured me and I knew that I had to try creating something similar to it myself. I would try to describe it, but again, explaining  is something that I'm actually quite bad at. Let me just describe to you that this photo was created using my husband's arm (on the right) and mine on the left. It may mean one thing to me, but maybe it can mean something different, something personal to you.




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